First record of Nesting pattern and breeding biology with parental care of Ashy crowned sparrow lark Eremopterix griseus at Kini Tq. Bhokar Dist. Nanded, Maharashtra


  • Balkhande Jayvardhan Vithalrao Department of Zoology, Digambarrao Bindu ACS College, Bhokar Dist. Nanded (MS).


Birds, Nest, scavengers, ecosystem, Ashy crowned sparrow lark


The nesting pattern and breeding biology of the ashy crowned sparrow lark Eremopterix griseus was studied in this MS. This small bird is really a creative for the construction of their nest and parental care for their offspring’s, both the parents busy in the construction of their nest, taking care of their young ones. Very little data was available on nesting pattern, breeding biology and parental care of this bird in Maharashtra state. Their selection of site for the construction of nest was really amazing. This was the first record in the Marathwada region in the Maharashtra state. This is preliminary study on such a small bird; many of birds are still not studied in this regard. Hence this work is helpful to the newcomers who are near to this beautiful creature of the nature.


Author Biography

Balkhande Jayvardhan Vithalrao, Department of Zoology, Digambarrao Bindu ACS College, Bhokar Dist. Nanded (MS).





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How to Cite

Balkhande Jayvardhan Vithalrao. (2021). First record of Nesting pattern and breeding biology with parental care of Ashy crowned sparrow lark Eremopterix griseus at Kini Tq. Bhokar Dist. Nanded, Maharashtra. International Journal of Life Sciences, 9(1), 129–134. Retrieved from