Effect of pH on biosorption of Copper by marine microalgae: A Review
Marine microalgae, heavy metal pollution, copper pollution, biosorption, pH effectsAbstract
Heavy metals which are released from the municipal waste are recalcitrant in environment, cause pollution and enter the food chain leading to biomagnification and bioaccumulation across trophic levels. Copper beyond certain limits accumulates in the tissues, liver, etc. causing multiple problems. Methods that will not harm the environment and are sustainable are required as conventional methods are expensive and release noxious chemicals into the environment. Biosorption is a sustainable and cost-effective method, it is being studied in recent times as a favourable method for the removal of effluents. Several studies have been conducted using microalgae for filtration and removal of heavy metals using biosorption as they have excellent affinity to heavy metals. It is a rapid and irreversible process and the amount of sludge generated is relatively lower. As microalgae are photosynthetic, they fix CO2 from the environment and release oxygen, thus being extremely beneficial to the environment. Factors like temperature, light, pH, etc. are important factors for microalgal growth. Low pH levels in association with copper increase the toxicity of the metal. Changes in pH also affect the biosorption efficiency by the marine microalgae, however depending on the species the optimum pH ranges differ.
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