Bioremediation of heavy metal pollutant Lead by Microalgae and its impact on their growth and Chlorophyll-a content : A Review
Microalgae, Bioremediation, heavy metal Lead, ecological sustainability, chlorophyll-aAbstract
Heavy metals are major pollutants of wastewater that cause significant changes in various parameters in water bodies. Increased concentration of these pollutants causes changes in water quality and ultimately affects living organisms. Microalgae can be considered as an effective bioremediation tool for the removal of these heavy metals due to their fast growth rate, simple methods of culturing, ecological sustainability and capability to adapt in various changing environmental conditions. Lead is one of the toxic heavy metals which causes harmful effects to aquatic animals as well as human health. This metal has no significant biological function and hence gets accumulated in microalgal cells, subsequently getting transferred to other organisms through food chain. It is important to study the effects of Lead toxicity on various aspects related microalgae which can affect the survival of these organisms. Though microalgae are an effective biosorbent, after a certain limit of Lead concentration, their internal protective system can collapse which can result in a drastic decline in their growth rate and also cause harmful effects on their photosynthetic pigments. This paper gives a review on bioremediation of heavy metal Lead using microalgae and also the impact of this process on growth and chlorophyll-a content of microalgae.
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