Efficiency of various plant extracts against Phytophthora sp. causing leaf blight of tomato
Efficiency, Pathogen, Mycoflora, Phytopthora sp, Plant extractsAbstract
In the present investigation phyllosphere mycoflora of tomato vegetable crop have been exploited as well as attempt was also made to control the foliar pathogens by applying easily available angiosperm plants around our areas. With this view the attempt has made to screened the antifungal efficacy of 10 angiosperm taxa viz. Zingiber officinale, Allium sativum, Calotropis procera, Ricinus communis, Citrus lemon, Acacia nilotica, Withania somnifera, Parthenium histerophorus, Phyllanthus fraternus and Euphorbia hirta. The medicinally known different plant parts from these 10 plants were tested for its antifungal efficacy against Phytophthora sp.The 10 per cent aqueous and acetone extracts of plant parts were used along with commercial fungicides mancozeb against selected pathogens.
The antimycotic study against the phytopathogenic fungi Phytophthora sp. showed that the aqueous and acetone extracts of Z. officinale and Allium sativum; acetone extracts of C. procera and aqueous extracts E. hirta found to be 100 per cent effective. The present study indicates that application of plant extracts as biocontrol agents was found to be effective in controlling tomato diseases and Z. officinale extracts may be an alternative for use of natural product to control phytopathogenic fungi avoiding chemical fungicides application. The present study clearly indicates that the commercial fungicide Mancozeb found highly effective which restricts the radial mycelia growth of all pathogens since 3rd day of incubation.
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