Xylaria chilai sp. nov. from Chilai lake at Shibla Forest District Yavatmal(MS) India.
Taxonomy, Stromata, Perithecia, Asci, AscosporeAbstract
The present paper deals with the new species of Xylaria chilai sp. nov. reported from Chilai lake at Shibla forest district Yavatmal (MS) India. During mycological survey authors have collected different varieties of fungal flora from various places of the Chilai lake area. Teak wood is dominant vegetation in this forest. Shibla forest is a deciduous forest exploring many diverse groups of saprobic fungi. In due course authors come across with the interesting member of ascomycetes fungi. Out of which Xylaria chilai sp. nov. is reported as new on the basis of taxonomic identification.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Swapnil K. Kamble, Shahezad M.A., Ninad Dharkar

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