Antioxidant Status of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium: A review
Reactive Oxygen Species, Oxidative Stress, Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione ReductaseAbstract
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) show both beneficial as well as harmful effects, especially when the level of ROS increased beyond the level of antioxidants it proved harmful to any living system. Oxidative stress (OS) is the imbalance of the level of antioxidants and ROS. The antioxidants are compounds that showed their presence by fighting against ROS. ROS damages various macromolecules such as protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and DNA. An antioxidant such as SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, and GR show their role by mitigating the harmful effects of ROS on the cellular macromolecules. Especially in the retina, the OS plays a vital role in the occurrence of retinopathies. Retinopathy is any impairment in the retina which leads to loss of visual acuity. The declined level of antioxidants leads to oculopathies such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and other macular degenerative diseases. The retina is more susceptible to OS because of the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acid and photooxidative injury. AMD is the leading cause in the world but its occurrence due to OS is poorly understood. Additionally, it is found that the alteration of antioxidants in retinal pigment epithelial cells was observed in in vitro and in vivo conditions. There is a need to understand the underlying mechanism, either OS is responsible for retinopathies or the disease itself leads to stressful conditions in tissue or cells. In the current review article, we put an attempt to summarize the recent link between OS and retinopathies such as DR and AMD.
Reactive Oxygen Species, Oxidative Stress, Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase
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Copyright (c) 2022 Brijesh Gelat, Pooja Malaviya, Pooja Rathaur, Binita Patel, Kaid Johar SR, Krupali Trivedi, Priya Chaudhary, Rahul Gelat

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