Physico-chemical analysis of Combined Industrial Effluent and it's impact on seed germination of Brassica campestris L. var. RSPIT-I


  • Khan Naiyareen Research scholar, Environmental Sciences Department, Jammu University, J&K
  • Rampal Raj Kumar  Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Jammu University, J&K


seed germination, combined industrial effluent,, hysico-chemical, Brassica campestris L


The current research was performed to observe the physico-chemical parameters of combined industrial effluent and its impact on seed germination of Brassica campestris L. var. RSPIT-I. The effluent was reported to be light brown and pungent smelling at moderate temperature of 280C, slightly acidic with pH 6.22, TDS of 0.554 ppt, salinity of 0.6 ppt and electrical conductivity of 1.069 ms. The concentration of various cations viz. Na, K, Ca, Li and Mg was observed to be 45.190ppm,1.786ppm, 39.091ppm, 3.056ppm and 2.432ppm respectively while concentration of various anions like chloride, nitrate, phosphate & sulphate was observed to exhibit the values as 9.318ppm, 0.259ppm, 0.213ppm & 12.066ppm respectively. Over all inhibitory impact was exhibited on seed germination at the taken concentrations of the effluent viz.  25%, 50%, 75% & 100% with gradual decrease in seed germination index and percentage seed germination with the increase in concentration of effluent.


Author Biography

Rampal Raj Kumar , Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Jammu University, J&K





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How to Cite

Khan Naiyareen, & Rampal Raj Kumar . (2018). Physico-chemical analysis of Combined Industrial Effluent and it’s impact on seed germination of Brassica campestris L. var. RSPIT-I. International Journal of Life Sciences, 6(4), 1063–1068. Retrieved from