Plant Poison Effect in the Human Body – A Review
Plant, Poison, human body, effect, IndiaAbstract
Plant poisoning is found in any species of plant which when touch, smell or ingested in sufficient quantity can evoke toxic or fatal reaction to an organism is referred as poisonous plant. Some of the common poisonous plants are: Abrus precatorius, Castor bean, laurel, horse chestnuts, belladonna, rhubarb and many more. This research paper analyzes the various; both harmful as well as beneficial effects of plant poisons on the human body. The poisonous chemical found in plants are normal biochemical and have been developed as an evolutionary response for self-protection. The plant poisons may enter into the body either by inhalation, swallowing or by contact which can be based upon chemical constitutes which classifies plant poison into alkaloids, glucosidases, proteins, oxalates, anti-vitamins, tannins, volatile ether layers etc. The alkaloids by far are the most predominant Plant poisons. Plant poison shows both useful as well as harmful effects in human beings and animals as well. They show wide range of side effects from minor itching, nausea, vomiting to adverse effects like psychosis, paralysis, teratogenicity, arrhythmias but they can also be used be in the production of cosmetics, ulcers, menstrual cramps, cancer and in treatment of man ailments and diseases and many more. Our results showed that Plant poisons have positive as well as negative effects in the human body. The implications of this research paper could be used to study more about the sanguine effects and practical applications of the plant poisons on the human body.
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