Retaliation an incident of data crime using digital forensic proficiency on cloud territory
Cloud data, digital forensic, intelligent forensics, digital tactic, digital intelligenceAbstract
Without some indication of empirical testing in relation to the ideas and processes connected with its generation, the courts make no presumption that digital evidence is credible, as they do with other sorts of evidence. Because of the issue of trustworthiness, courts pay special attention to how electronic evidence is gathered, particularly the process by which data is captured and kept. Previous process models tended to concentrate on a single aspect of digital forensic practice, such as law enforcement, and lacked a formal explanation. We believe that this approach has hampered the development of widely acknowledged standards and methods, which are critical in the field of digital forensics. This work proposes a generic process model as a first step toward building such a widely acknowledged standard for the collecting of digital evidence, which is a core digital forensic activity.
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