Stimulatory effect of exogenous application of Gibberellin and Kinetin on the root and shoot growth patterns of a Gram species (Cicer arietinum): A comparative study
Gibberellin, Kinetin, Cicer arietinum, Stem, RootAbstract
The present investigation is being carried out the promotory effects of some plant growth hormone cocentrations on the stem and root growth patterns of Cicer arietinum (Chick pea). The selected species of leguminous crop such as Cicer arietinum were investigated by the application of different concentrations of plant growth hormones such as Kn (10-2 M) to Kn (10-7 M) in Cicer arietinum were applied and increased the growth of the stem & root growth pattens and compared to the control plot. When these concentrations of the GA & Kn were applied on the Cicer arietinum, the maximum stem and root growth (cm) were recorded. Out of these concentrations, the best result was observed on the stem and root length (cm) were noted with the concentration of GA3 (10-6 M) and Kn (10-2 M) on the Cicer arietinum as compared to the control.
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