Morphological, anatomical and pharmacological studies in Clitoria ternatea L.
Clitoria. ternatea L. i.e. ‘Shankhpushpi’ (Shankha) snail shell shaped flowers, categorized under Ayurvedic Medhya Rasayana drugs that claim as brain tonic and have memory and intelligence enhancing properties. The leaf mucilage contains anhydro-galacatan, anhydro pentosan and methyl pentosan and an alkaloid. The anthocyanins and delphinidin glucoside present in blue flowered variety. Pharmacologica-lly it is reported for improved cognitive abilities, learning and memory, neuronal degenerative disorders; anticonvulsant activities; antimicro-bial and insecticidal; antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory; antioxi-dant, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, and platelet aggregation inhibitory activities. The detailed pharmacognostic studies of C. ternatea L. have not been reported so far. Therefore, an attempt has been made to standardize the macro-morphological and phytochemical studies of the plant C. ternatea L.. rheumatism, syphilis.
Keywords: Clitoria. ternatea L., Shankhpushpi, Pharmacology, Phytochemistry, Anatomy, Morphology
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