Ethno-medicinal study of Threatened plants from Raigad district, M.S., India.
Ethno-medicinal, threatened, ConservationAbstract
Raigad district is endowed with is a rich wealth of medicinal plants and it has a rich traditional knowledge of medicinal practices. Tribal people provide traditional uses of few plants species in curing disease in human as well as livestock by the tribal community residing in and around study area. Majority of the recipes are prepared in the form of decoction from freshly collected medicinal plant parts. Mostly a single species was used and mainly taken orally to cure disease. Many species are on the verge of extinction before they are known for their scientific uses. The present paper deals with Ethno medicinal study of Threatened plants from study area for the documentation of ethno-medicinal importance of such threatened plants species. During the field surveyed, it was observed that the vegetation of the area was generally threatened due to deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization; over grazing and unscientific extraction of Vegetation etc., therefore, the conservation of plant resources is urgently needed.
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