Cyanide content and physical properties of commercial “GAARI” samples from different markets in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
cyanide fermentation food security permissible limitAbstract
Chronic toxicity could occur in humans when “gaari” with excess permissible amount of cyanide is consumed which negates food security. This study assessed the levels of cyanide in the “gaari” sold in Sango, Apete, and Bodija markets in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Three most popular, locally processed commercial “gaari” named: Oyo (A), Ilora (B) and Egba (C) were obtained from each of the three markets and were pooled for residual cyanide content analysis using titrimetric and picrate test method. pH, swelling capacity, and bulk density were determined using standard methods. The cyanide content level ranged between 2.51±0.003 to 3.72±0.05mg/kgHCN in Sango market, 2.51±0.003 to 3.67±0.05mgHCN/kg in Apete market and 2.53±0.003 to 3.78±0.05mgHCN/kg in Bodija market. Egba “gaari” had the highest value of cyanide content in the three markets. The mean cyanide content of the three “gaari” at Sango, Apete and Bodija market were 3.20, 3.15 and 3.21mgHCN/kg respectively. The picrate test ranged from 2-3 giving a yellow-yellow-orange coloration. Their pH values ranged from 4.15 to 5.47, while the swelling capacity was 2.87% – 3.57%. The mean bulk density of “gaari” samples A, B, and C were 0.535g/cm3, 0.542g/cm3, 0.503g/cm3 respectively. The cyanide content of the locally processed “gaari” were below the tolerable standard limit of 5-10mg/kgHCN and as such safe for human consumption. Considering food security and health risk to consumers, it is important to assess other cassava products in Ibadan and beyond for their cyanide levels.
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