An experiment on seasonal variations of water quality parameters in Chandrawal reservoir and Arjunsagar reservoir, UP, India
Chandrawal Reservoir, Arjunsagar Reservoirs, Water quality, Physico-chemical parametersAbstract
The present study conducted on Arjunsagar and Chandwal reservoir situated in Mahoba district, Uttar Pradesh, India to assess the significant variation in different seasons like Pre-monsoon, post-monsoon and winter.The experiment was carried out form April 2018 to January 2019. After 8 months of monitoring, physico-chemical parameters of both of the waterbody shows a haphazardly variations. Mainly Temperature,pH, alkalinity, hardness DO and Free CO2 and all these parameters are done by standard APHA (1995) methods. After observation the water quality proved that it is totally suitable for fish culture and irrigation purpose. After monsoon the quality of the water was much healthier for all aquatic animals.
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