Rare plants of Bhandara District (MS), India
Bhandara District, Angiosperms, rare plant species, forest floraAbstract
In the floristic exploration of the Bhandara district, total 906 plants species of angiosperms were collected and studied from 2005 to 2011. The district is full of diverse angiosperm vegetation spread all over the areas from human habitat to the forest flora. Of these all type of angiosperm plants were studies, from herbs, shrubs, trees and climbers, some of which found rare i.e., are available in only particular area in limited number and altogether absent in others parts of the district. Such plant species of angiosperms are considered as rare plants of Bhandara district. Total 114 plants of which 97 plants from dicotyledons and 17 plants from monocotyledons, found rare in the district out of 906 plant species studied.
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