The flowering plants diversity of Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari, Haryana
Angiosperms, Checklist, Conservation, Haryana, IGU CampusAbstract
The campus of Indira Gandhi University (IGU), Meerpur is situated in the village Meerpur of district Rewari in southern Haryana. The study area exhibits the geographical features of the sandy plains and Aravali hills, which in turn result into the sand-dune vegetation growing in the area. The university campus, therefore, represents the characteristic vegetation which, in fact, is much diverse in contrast to what may seem from a general look. Majority of the land area of the campus is unattended till now because of the under-development stage of campus infrastructure, thus may be considered as a wasteland like habitat. The current work provides a comprehensive checklist of the flowering plants of the IGU campus, which may prove to be significant for the conservation purposes of plant wealth of the area before it is lost in developmental activities, along with the color photographs of some of the recorded species found to be ‘uncommon’ or ‘rare’ in occurrence. The data in this work was obtained from extensive surveys taken during the period of about last 3 years.
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