Diuretic activity and In-vitro anti-urolithiasis activity of Bauhinia racemosa L Leaf extract
Bauhinia racemosa, Diuresis, Antiurolithiasis, Calcium oxalate crystals, CystoneAbstract
The main objective of this study was to determine the diuretic and anti-urolithiasis activities of the Bauhinia racemosa leaf extract. The extracts' in vitro anti-urolithic activity was determined by their ability to neutralize synthetic calcium oxalate crystals using a homogenous precipitation method, nucleation assay method, and aggregation assay method that increased the concentration of the test drug, and Cystone tablets as a standard. The results showed that the aqueous extract of Bauhinia racemosa dissolves calcium oxalate crystals and inhibits the growth of crystals; this effect increased with an increase in the concentration of the extract, which is compared with the poly-herbal formulation Cystone. The diuretic activity of Bauhinia racemosa extract was evaluated using the Lipschitz model. Urine volume and urine pH were noted; the concentration of sodium and potassium was estimated by flame photometry; and diuretic index, Saliuretic index, and Lipschitz values were calculated from the results. Furosemide was used as a positive control. It also demonstrates that increasing smooth muscle contraction plays an important role in treatment by increasing urinary output and the percentage of urinary stones that pass through the urinary tract. As a result, the study concluded that an aqueous extract of Bauhinia racemosa has significant anti-urolithiasis and diuretic activity.
Keywords: Bauhinia racemosa, Diuresis, Antiurolithiasis, Calcium oxalate crystals, Cystone.
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Copyright (c) 2023 VIVEK RATHOD, Yash Mahatme, Harshad Khandare, Shivani Gulhane, Sakshi Gahukar

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