Hydatid cyst of perianal region in a man which present as anal abscess: a rare case report
Hydatid cyst, Echinococcus granulosus, Anal hydatidosisAbstract
Hydatid cyst is an infectious disease that is caused by Echinococcus Granulosus and can involve all organs and tissues that produce cysts. Liver is the most common organ of body which is infected by hydatid cyst (75%) and the second organ is lung (15%). We present a primary perianal hydatid cyst in this article. A 34-year-old male presented with a palpable, red and painful mass on the right side of anal region. The patient denied any past medical and drug history. Physical examination was normal. In rectal examination a bulging was palpated in right side of anal canal. Laboratory findings were unremarkable. With diagnosis of perianal abscess, drainage and irrigation was performed. The patient was discharged with medication. The patient was readmitted two months later with the complaint of pain and discharge. Pelvic CT-scan showed a cystic lesion in the right wall of lower rectum. We reoperated the patient and opened the cavity. With injection of methylene blue the cavity was explored and a lot of gelatin like material was extracted. Intraoperative diagnosis was perianal hydatid cyst and pathology result confirmed the diagnosis. The patient was discharged with 800 mg of Albendazole daily. After one month the wound was healed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Manouchehr Aghajanzadeh , Ehsan Hajipour Jafroudi, Hadi Tozandajani, Alireza Mesbah , Pedram Taleby

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