Studies on plants used by Gond people of Etapalli tahsil from Gadchiroli district for cultural, worship and craft purposes
Etapalli, Gadchiroli District, Tribal, Cultural and worship, Gond tribeAbstract
Indian population is conglomeration of large number of different tribes. Most of these people living in vicinity of the forest. According to 2011 census India is second largest tribal population of world. In India Tribal population is 8.9%. Most of Tribal include tribe like Bhill, Kokana, Gavit, Dubla, Korku Dhanka and Mauchi. In India Lakshadweep, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal pradesh more than 60% population is tribal. Etapalli is a small city and Tahsil in Gadchiroli District of Maharashtra. According to census 2011 total area of Etapalli Tahsil is 2,267 km². Etapalli Tahsil has a population of 81,713and population density of 36.04 people per sq. km. When it comes to literacy, 53% population of Etapalli Tahsil is literate, out of which 60.23% males and 47.21% females are literate. There are about 180 plus villages in Etapalli Tahsil.
In Gadchiroli district, Gond, Mana, Pradhan, Madia tribe predominantly observed from Aheri, Etapalli, Bhamragad, Sironcha and Dhanora tahsil. Most of the tribal people utilized available plants from surrounding for purposes of food, fodder, and medicine, spiritual and for handicraft purposes. Most of population from this area is depending on forest and engaging them self in collection and utilization of timber and non-timber forest products and resources.
In present study 31 different plants used by Tribal’s of Etapalli Tahsil for the purposes of food, fodder, medicine, handicraft, fish poison, beverages, spiritual and for other purposes were discuses in this paper. Along with the information photographs of these plants and their products were included.
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