Cytological studies on tissue culture raised plants
stain, colchicine, regenerants, plantlets, aneuoploidyAbstract
The actively growing root tips of various in vitro raised plantlets i.e. Anogeissus spp., Capparis decidua and M. emarginata were taken and pretreated with colchicine and cold treatment (-4%) for overnight. These pretreated root tips were fixed in 1:3(glacial acetic acid and absolute ethanol). Then these root tips were stained with basic fuchsine (0.5%) prior to make squash. The stained root tips were squashed in 1% of acetocarmine mordanted with ferric chloride. The squashed root tips were observed under microscope for study of chromosome Most of the in vitro raised plantlets shows chromosome stability but some plantlets shows aneuploidy.
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