Study of Prevalence and association of some morphogenetic traits expression with the gender, specific to North Maharashtra region, Dist. Jalgaon, MS, India
Morphogenetic traits, Phenotype, Prevalence, gender associationAbstract
Morphological traits are the physical characteristics of the individuals developed by the gene and their interaction. Nine morphogenetic traits include Earlobe attachment, Dimples, Rolling of the tongue, Chin, Hitchhiker’s thumb, Handedness, Widow’s peak, Crossing of the arm, and Hair nature were included in the study. Dominant and recessive traits are mentioned based on the literature review. Total 422 samples of students between the ages of 18-30 are randomly selected from the Jalgaon region. The Chi-square test of independent association is performed at 0.05 significance level for the evaluation of the association of morphogenetic trait expression with gender. The study's findings can be used in anthropological and medical-legal research.
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