Seasonal Zooplankton diversity aspects of lower Dyanganga Dam, Near Khamgaon
Limnological, Biodiversity, Lower Dnyanganga, Zooplankton, Biomonitoring, KhamgaonAbstract
Planktonic life plays very important role in aquatic ecosystem. The utility of zooplankton for ecological bio-monitoring of water bodies also helps in the analysis of water quality parameters and sufficiency of water quality for various uses. This study is evaluates the seasonal zooplankton diversity of Lower Dnyanganga Dam at Nimkawala, Tahasil Khamgaon located at Buldana District of Maharashtra. This dam is an outflow of Upper Dnyanganga Dam and surface runoff from surrounding areas. The zooplankton diversity was assessed monthly from December 2020 to May 2021. Water samples were collected from four sites of the dam with the help of local fishermen. Standard method was used for qualitative analysis of zooplankton. About, 13 species of zooplankton were recorded belonging to 5 orders viz. Cladocera, Calanoida, Cyclopoida, Ploima and Podocopida and it was noted that the Arthropods were the most dominant.
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