Preparation of Nutritive Food Supplement from leaf and Pods Moringa oleifera (lamm), Tinospora cordifolia ((Thunb) Miers) and Cinnamomum verum J. presl.
Moringa oliefera is of unique plant which are more nutritious in nature. It is commonly known of drumstick due to their fruit structure. This plant has nutritive value more for that purpose ancient that is used as vegetable. Understanding benefit of that we have prepare moringa food supplement. First, we have to take healthy plant material select from the field dry them into fine course powder Them add preservative After sometime add some amount of cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) for taste purpose then add sweeting agent such Gulvel (Tinospora cordifolia). Mixing the all content of food supplement. After that we have to testing will be done first of all Nutritive parameter are calculate such as carbohydrate, protein, lipid and ascorbic acid. Then later all phytochemical screening will be done then finally used as moringa food supplement
Keywords: Moringa food supplement, Biochemical parameter, Phytochemical screening
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mukul Barwant, Akash Dawange

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