Chlorella: Abundance, Applications, and Prospects of CO2 Fixation - A North East India Perspective
Chlorella, CO2 sequestration, North East India, Sustainable energyAbstract
Chlorella, a green microalga has drawn a lot of interest because of its rapid growth, rich nutritional profile, and ability to treat wastewater and fix carbon dioxide. The review emphasizes the unique habitats where Chlorella has been reported in North East India and successful cultivation techniques demonstrating its biochemical and phycoremediation properties and lipid productivity. Chlorella has shown enormous promise in carbon dioxide fixation, environmental restoration, and renewable energy, and the factors that play a significant role in Chlorella’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide are highlighted here. Studies conducted from NE India revealed the region’s significant reservoir of Chlorella and highlight the potential of this region as a promising hub for future exploration and utilization to produce sustainable energy and mitigate the increase in carbon dioxide concentrations.
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