Metabolite profile of false elder leaves (Peronema canescens Jack.) based on development levels
Metabolite profile, Leaf development, Peronema canescens Jack, (Sungkai, False Elder), GC-MSAbstract
At each stage of leaf development, the formation of compounds in the leaves will occur, thus allowing the chemical components in it to also experience changes, both the properties possessed by a plant and the quantity of metabolites it has. This study aims to determine the differences in metabolites and the abundance of metabolites of Sungkai or False Elder leaves (Peronema canescens Jack.) based on the level of leaf development with a non-target metabolomics analysis approach using GC-MS. Obtained metabolite compounds were acquired using a quantitative descriptive method. Obtained differences and abundance of detected metabolites. Sungkai young, mature, and old leaves show 17 types of metabolites. The abundance of each type of compound from each leaf development was different, and the total abundance of metabolite compounds was found in mature Sungkai leaves at 75.64%, followed by young Sungkai leaves at 71.55% and old Sungkai leaves at 51.27%. . The results show that there are unique compounds such as phenol, 2,6-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- and ursodeoxycholic acid which are detected which are known to have pharmacological effects as natural immunomodulators for the body
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