Management of type 2 diabetes patients: current perspective and futuristic promise of combination therapies with DPP-IV inhibitors.
Vildagliptin, secretagogues, insulin, diabetes mellitus, DPP-IV inhibitorsAbstract
Mechanism of action of the currently available therapeutic drugs for treatment of T2DM varies from being insulin secretogogues to insulin sensitization or reduction in insulin requirement. Often the diabetes treatment goals are not met due to adverse effects of current therapies like hypoglycemia, cardiovascular risks, weight gain etc. Metformin-based combination therapy with DPP-IV inhibitors vildagliptin has shown more efficacy than monotherapy for effective T2DM treatment as the two acts synergistically and using altogether different mechanisms of actions leading to augmentation of incretin effect and increased β- cell mass as well as increased sensitivity to insulin leading to improved hyperglycaemic control, has no adverse effects and is relatively safe.
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