A Synopsis of the Genus Cuscuta L.: A review
Synopsis, Genus, CuscutaAbstract
Cuscuta is a genus of about 180 species of holoparasitic angiosperm obtaining both water and organic nutrients from its host plants. It is almost cosmopolitan in distribution, leafless yellow or reddish, twining and annuals. Stems are slender, sometimes filiform. Flowers are small, white or rose-colored, sessile or pedicellate, solitary or in lateral fascicles or short racemes. Calyx usually deeply divided, segments five rarely four and distinct or connate at the base. Corolla campanulate, ovoid or globose, usually with fimbricate or lobed scales near the base or below the stamens within, lobes five or four, short, imbricate in bud. Stamens five or four, inserted in or below the throat of the corolla-tube, filaments short, anthers short, obtuse, partially exerted. Ovary perfect or imperfectly two celled ovules two in each cell, styles one or two and stigmas are two. Capsule globose or ovoid, dry or succulent, circum-sessile or irregularly breaking up, four or two seeded. Seeds are glabrous, albumen fleshy, embryo slender, spiral and cotyledons absent or obscure.
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