Plant diversity of ‘Lachundi/Lalchandi sacred grove’ of Purandar tehsil, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra, India
Lachundi/Lalchandi, sacred grove, Plant Diversity, Purandar tehsil, PagewadiAbstract
The present study deals with plant diversity of the ‘Lachundi Devi/Lalchandi devi sacred grove of Pagewadi village, Purandar tehsil belonging to Pune District. The present scared grove is not reported by any researcher till date. The total area of the sacred grove is one hectare (10,000 Sq. M.). A rivulet consisting flowing water in rainy and winter season and stagnant water in summer makes the sacred grove significant. In present scared grove we found 140 angiospermic species. These 140 species belonging to 124 genera under 49 families. Sacred grove consists mostly herbaceous species, ephemerals followed by tree species, shrubs and climbers. Among 140 species, flowering and fruiting occur throughout the year in 14 species. Delphinium malbaricum (Huth) Munz., Argyria cuneata Ker-Gawl.and Vigna khandalensis (Sant.) R & W. belongs to threatened category.
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