Weed Flora of Some Cultivated Fields of Parbhani District (M.S.) India
Weed, Kharif, RabiAbstract
Weed flora of some cultivated fields of Parbhani district was studied during Kharif and Rabbi season. In Kharif season crops (Soybean & Cotton), total 21 weed species belonging to 13 families were recorded in soybean field whereas in cotton field 40 weed species belonging to 20 families were recorded. In Rabi season crops (Jowar & Wheat) total 16 weed species belonging to 09 families were recorded in jowar field whereas in wheat field, total 30 weed species belonging to 14 families were recorded. Maximum number of weed species were found in Cotton fields (40) followed by Wheat (30), Soybean (21) and Jowar (16). In all, maximum weed species were found in Kharif season crop fields (61) as compared with Rabi season crop fields (46). Some of the weed species were found growing only in particular crop field and in particular season
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