Seasonal variations in aquatic Avian diversity of Gauri Sarovar, Bhind District, (M. P.), India
Aquatic bird, Gauri Sarovar, Bhind district, seasonal variations.Abstract
Seasonal diversity of aquatic avifauna was studied in Gauri Sarovar, Bhind District, Madhya Pradesh (India) from October 2021 to September 2022 to study the impact of seasonal variations in the aquatic avifaunal diversity. A total of 70 bird species, belonging to 11 orders and 26 families were observed and identified. The maximum aquatic bird species were observed in the winter season while minimum in the rainy season. Out of 70 aquatic bird species, 67 species were found in winter season, 62 species in summer and 48 species in rainy season. Charadriiformes was the most dominant order, represented by 17 species followed by Passeriformes, represented by 16 species. This study will definitely help to prepare a seasonal checklist of aquatic bird species.
Keywords: Aquatic bird, Gauri Sarovar, Bhind district, seasonal variations.
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