Effect of VAM inoculation on vegetative growth in Carum carvi L(Shah Jira)
VAM, Carum carvi, Mycorrhiza, GerminationAbstract
"Shah jire" Carum carvi L is an important medicinal and spice herb belonging to family Apiaceae. The herb has historically been utilised as food and medicinal for both people and animals. Given its significance, the current research was done to examine the effects of VAM Glomus fasciculatum on growth parameters. Positive outcomes were seen for several vegetative growth parameters. VAM increases plant's ability to absorb phosphate, which enhances growth and development. The findings of the current study make it abundantly evident that Carum carvi L.reacts well to mycorrhizal inoculation in a pot environment.
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DOI: 10.33545/27072827.2020.v1.i1a.7
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