Trichomes and Stomatal Study of Maerua oblongifolia Foresk. a. rich 2) Marsdenia volubilis (Benth. L. f.) and Sansevieria roxburghiana L:
Trichomes and Stomata, Maerua oblongifolia Foresk, rich Marsdenia volubilis (Benth. L. f.), Sansevieria roxburghiana L.Abstract
Maerua oblongifolia Foresk. a. rich Marsdenia volubilis (Benth. L. f.) and Sansevieria roxburghiana L. are medicinal plants. These Plants have been used for various types of diseases. The present research includes structure and dimensional details of upper and lower epidermis of the selected leaf drugs. The epidermal studies are carried out by scraping and peeling out particular epidermis. The trichomes, stomata, guard cells, subsidiary cells and epidermal cell are given along with dimensions. Trichomes and stomata studies are useful in solving taxonomic problems and Pharmacognosy. They have significance in identification of crude drugs from these plants. The types of trichomes are specific for a particular taxon. This data can be used to standardize a leaf drug. The studied characters related to trichomes in present work are types and dimensions of trichomes.
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