Bioecology of the corallivorous Acanthaster planci (crown-of-thorns seastar) in the coastal areas of Dimataling, Zamboanga del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines
corallivorous, crown of thorns, gut analysis, DimatalingAbstract
Coral reef degradation is the major consequence posed by the massive infestation of Acanthaster planci (crown of thorns), a corallivorous sea star. This present study assessed the bioecological aspects of A. planci in terms of its morphology, coral type preference, gut analysis and physico-chemical parameter preferences on the coastal areas of Saloagan, Dimataling, Zamboanga del Sur. Two color morphs were exhibited by A. planci among the 90 individuals collected. The largest body size in diameter was 270mm, weighing 365g and with 7-16 number of arms. There were 14 identified coral species foraged by A. planci where Porites is the most preferred coral genus preyed by 23.33% of the A. planci studied. Gut analysis revealed fragments of coral species such as Pocillopora spp., Acropora spp., five algae species, one sea grass species and unidentified species of crabs, gastropods and bivalves were found in the stomach of A. planci. All of the physico-chemical parameters obtained in Saloagan, Dimataling are within the same range compared to other areas where outbreaks of A. planci have been reported which indicate that the conditions in this local habitat are suitable for the growth of A. planci. This study may be significant in establishing management strategies to predict or possibly inhibit the outbreaks of A. planci on the coral communities.
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