Chemical study of various Blueberry varieties introduced in Georgia
Blueberry, antioxidant, common phenolsAbstract
Georgia is a small country, so it is desirable to grow profitable plants here that can easily adapt to environmental conditions. Such a plant is a blueberry. We have analyzed and studied the technical, biochemical and chemical indicators of 16 varieties of blueberries imported into western Georgia. The influence of environmental conditions and storage conditions on the organoleptic, technical, physico-chemical composition and antioxidant activity has been determined. Separation-identification and quantitative analysis were conducted using UPLC-MS (Waters Acquity QDa detector), HPLC (Waters Brceze 1525, UV-Vis 2489 detectors), pH-meters (Mettler Toledo). Refractrometer -Misco, Spectrometer –Cuvette Changer (Mettler Toledo UV5A), C18 Cartridge Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Waters Sep-Pak C18 (500 mg). Antioxidant activity was defined by the DPPH method. Dry substances, titrated acidity and active pH of fruits, as well as qualitative, quantitative composition and dependence on the variety were determined. General phenols (1000 mg/100 g on average), anti-cyanins (400 mg/100 g on average) and their antioxidant dependence on storage conditions and duration were examined. The maximum preservation of antioxidants in fruits was maintained at -25°C under storage conditions.
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