A preliminary study on Odonate diversity in and around the campus area of Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur (C.G.) India
Odonates, Diversity, Damselflies, DragonfliesAbstract
The climatic condition of campus area provides an optimal, favourable, healthy and natural environmental condition for Odonates (Insecta) diversity. An extensive study on identification and species richness of Odonatan diversity was conducted from April 2018 to March 2019. A checklist of 28 species of Odonates belonging to 19 genera representing for 3 families were recorded. The family Libellulidae with 18 species are found most dominant, Coenagrionidae family with 08 species are second dominant, Gomphidae having 02 and Aeshnidae family with 01 species is rare in count, were recorded in the present study. The observations also revealed the breeding and reproductive behavioural pattern of Odonate. The species richness in number is higher during post monsoon (September - October), their number in count is gradually declining from November to January and lowers in winter season (December to February). The present study provides a preliminary and baseline data of Odonatan diversity at central C. G. area for farmer, advanced research and conservational activities in this field.
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