Effects of inter and intra-row spacing on the yield and yield attributes of onion (Allium cepa L.) under North Western zones of Tigray
Inter, Intra, Onion, SpacingAbstract
Onion is one of the most important high market value bulb crops cultivated commercially in most parts of the world. It is the most cultivated and high market value of vegetable crops in Tigray Northern Ethiopia. However, bulb yield of onion is limited due to improper use of plant spacing. Therefore, field experiment was conducted to determine the optimum planting spacing of Onion to maximize its productivity in 2015 and 2017 under irrigation conditions. Four different inter-row (20, 30, 40&50cm) and three intra-row (5, 10&15cm) spacing were used and laid out in randomized complete block design replicated three times. Bombey red variety was used as a testing variety. The current findings showed that plant height, bulb diameter, bulb weight, bulb length marketable bulb yield were significantly influenced by planting spacing. Accordingly, the tallest plant height and maximum marketable bulb yield were obtained from the narrower spacing. Therefore, 20 cm inter row and 5 cm intra row spacing is recommended for the growers to improve onion productivity in the study area.
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