Infraspecific Variations in Curcuma inodora Blatt. from Melghat Forest Dist. Amravati (MS), India
Curcuma inodora Blatt., Melghat Forests, Population variations,, Cluster analysisAbstract
Genus Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) comprising of 120 species is distributed throughout South South-East Asia, with a few species extending to China, Australia and South Pacific.. Curcuma inodora Blatt. known as ‘Jangali Halad’ is a common herb of Melghat at higher elevations. It is reported from other districts of Maharashtra also. In Melghat area populations of C. inodora were found to show many variations. Twelve distinct accessions were collected for present study and for comparison C. pseudomontana J. Graham and C. longa L. were also studied. The species shows variations in aerial as well as underground parts. For Curcuma species position of spike is considered as key character. Other major variations found are length of spike; shape, size and colour of bracts; length of leaf stalk and shape of root tubers. Cluster analysis of 50 morphological characters was done by UPGMA using PAST software placed 12 variants in to two clusters as per Peldjis method A and in three clusters as per the method D. Careful study of these variations will help to understand evolution within the species.
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