Evaluation of ideal median lethal concentration (LC50) of a biofertilizer in an Indian air-breathing fish, Channa gachua (Ham.)
LC50, Biofertilizer, Channa gachua, various methodsAbstract
This is first report on estimation, determination, confirmation, toxicity status and safe level of a biofertilizer (mustard oil cake) in Channa gachua (Ham.). The work was conducted during 2018 by the use of static renewal method. In this work, 24hr-LC50 value from Lorke and Enegide et al. method was estimated 14142.16 and 15000.0 mg/L respectively. A range of 96hr-LC50 value of 4258.3 to 4600.0mg/L was calculated from Up-and-Down method and used as to find and rough estimation of LC50 dose. After that Behren-Karber or regression analysis method and Finney probit method used to determine the 96hr-LC50 value and the respective value was found 4900.0, 5344.0 and 5012.0mg/L. Finally, Reed-Muench method used to confirm 96hr-LC50 dose by various cross checks and median ideal lethal dose was found 4933.0mg/L. Range of tabulated safe level indicates that it is difficult to decide the acceptable concentration of mustard oil cake in Channa gachua based on the present study. However, on the basis of standard toxicity range, mustard oil cake may be treated as a substance of slightly toxic or practically non-toxic to Channa gachua. The work will help in deciding the optimum does of a biofertilizer as well as its safe level and toxicity status for higher yield of this fish.
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