Isolation, optimization, characterization of cellulose enzyme production from Bacillus subtilis
Cellulase, Bacillus subtilis, Carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC), Biomass.Abstract
Cellulose is considered to be one of the most abundant biopolymers on Earth. Cellulose degrading organism play a vital role in the biosphere by recycling cellulose, the most abundant carbohydrate produce by plant. In this text the present study was conducted with an objective of isolation of cellulolytic organisms from various fields of vellore. The cellulose degrading organisms were screened and characterised. Based on degradation of cellulose the potential organism Bacillus subtili sp. was selected for further studies. The strain Bacillus subtili sp. was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on the physical, biochemical and 16srRNA sequencing. Carboxy methyl cellulose medium (CMC) was the best medium for production of cellulase. The maximum production of cellulase was observed at temperature 300C and pH 7.5of 137.22 and 137.20 U/L respectively. Overall this study indicates that Bacillus subtilis was a potential in degradation of cellulose, which could be used commercially and/or industrially.
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