Educational intervention in improving the Quality of Life of renal transplant patients
Quality Of Life, Renal Transplant, QolAbstract
Purpose: A study was done to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an information booklet on “Healthy living after kidney transplantation” in terms of patients knowledge and quality of life (QOL) in renal transplant patients of selected hospitals of Delhi, India.
Methods and material: Structured questionnaire was the tool used. Content validity was obtained by giving it to nine experts. Reliability of tool was established prior to pilot study by KR-20 for knowledge questionnaire and Cronbach Alpha for QOL measurement scale. The subjects were approached personally in renal transplant clinic and pre test was administered on day one followed by the administration of the information booklet on the same day. On the day 15, post test was done. Data obtained was analyzed and interpreted in the light of objectives and hypothesis using descriptive and inferential statistics.Result: The study showed that 42% each were in the age group of 18-30 years and 31-50 years and most of the patients were male (72%) and many of them were not working (33%). The data also showed that thirty eight percent of them were educated up to graduate level and thirty nine percent of them had family income of Rs 5001- 20,000 per month. Most of them belong to joint family (63%). There was significant difference between the knowledge and QOL scores of patients before and after administration of information booklet. There was significant correlation found between the knowledge and QOL scores of the patients. The study revealed that there was significant association between knowledge scores of the patients with selected factors like age and education of the patients but there was no significant association between knowledge and factors life gender and occupation. The study also revealed that there was significant association between the QOL of the patients with selected factors like age, family income, duration of transplantation, source of donor, rejection episode, hospitalization, co-morbidities, duration of dialysis prior to transplant and procurement of medicines but it was found that this study doesn’t show any significant association of QOL with factors like type of family, number of transplantation and patient’s Body Mass Index.
Conclusion: It was concluded that the developed information booklet enhanced the knowledge of the post renal transplant patient on self care thus improving the QOL of these patients thus the information booklet can be used in different health care units and also in community for the renal transplant patients.
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