Species diversity and basic biology of Octopus from Maharashtra waters, northwest coast of India
Octopus, Biodiversity, Biology, Fishery, MaharashtraAbstract
Octopus diversity was studied from Maharashtra waters during the period January 2000 - December 2017. Eight species were identified and they are Cistopus chinensis Zheng, Lin, Lu and Ma, 2012, ‘Octopus’ tehuelchus d’Orbigny, 1834 [In 1834-1847], Amphioctopus neglectus (Nateewathana and Norman, 1999), Amphioctopus marginatus (Taki, 1964), Macrotritopus defilippi (Verany, 1851), Octopus “vulgaris” type IV Cuvier, 1797, Amphioctopus kagoshimensis (Ortmann, 1888) and Argonauta hians [Lightfoot], 1786. The estimated annual catch in trawl and the catch rate of Octopus (all species combined) for the period 2000-2017 from NFW showed an increasing trend from 2.3 t (2002) to a peak of 501.7 t (2016) and and the corresponding catch rate ranged from 0.001 kg/hr (2002) to 0.155 kg/hr (2016).
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