Study on Inter-relation between Zooplankton and physico-chemical parameter of Yaldari Dam, Parbhani (M.S.), India
Zooplankton, Physico-chemical, Yaldari DamAbstract
The inert- relation between Physico-chemical parameters and Zooplankton diversity of Yaldari Dam Parbhani (M.S.) study during the Jan 2019 to Dec 2019. The distribution and diversity of zooplankton in aquatic ecosystem depends mainly on the physico-chemical properties of water. Zooplankton have been considered as ecological importance organisms. The zooplankton community in Yeldari Dam is comprised of rotifer, Cladocera, Copepoda and Ostracoda. Total 34 species and 29 genera of zooplankton obtained in this study, out of that number of species rotifer are 18, Cladocera 8, Copepods 5 and 3 Otracodes are found during study period. A percentage comparison among the various zooplankton species reveals that the rotifers were the dominant group forming 52.94% of the zooplankton followed by cladocerans are 23.52 %, copepods representing 14.7% each. This was followed by Ostracoda representing 8.82% of the total zooplankton. Thus, each group of zooplankters preferred to reach their peak in different months of the year.
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