Enlightening a hidden diversity through DNA barcoding of gastropods for conservation and ecological studies: A critical review
Gastropods, cox1 gene, Sanger’s DNA sequencing, DNA barcoding, phylogenetic reconstruction, NCBI, BOLD systemAbstract
The class Gastropoda (Cuvier, 1795) are commonly known as slugs and snails belong to phylum Mollusca. Due to the rapid evolution of this group, it has become essential to utilize genetic markers to identify some species, as their physical characteristics are not always reliable. Therefore, the purpose of this review intended to assess the identification of gastropods using cytochrome-c oxidase-I(cox1) gene sequences of mitochondrial DNA. Partial cox1 gene sequencing from specimens can be used for DNA barcoding and consequently identification of gastropods with the aid of numerous online software programs, sequences can be further analyzed via phylogenetic reconstruction. Reviews on various research papers on extraction of genomic DNA, it may summarize that, the CTAB method is good for extraction of genomic DNA as gastropods have proteinaceous animals. Many research studies depicted that the species identification can be accomplished with success when using cox1 gene reconstruction of the phylogeny of gastropods, which may offer an alternative method of comprehending the evolution and dispersal of species.
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