Seasonal Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Trichuris species in Sheep and Goat of Amravati District, Maharashtra, India
Seasonal, Trichuris Ovis, Gastrointestinal, parasite, sheep, goatAbstract
Trichuris Ovis commonly called the whipworm of sheep and goats, is found in caecum and colon region of large intestine. A Study on the seasonal prevalence of gastrointestinal Trichuris species in Sheep and Goats were carried during 2022 to 2023. Total 720 fecal samples were collected from various Talukas of Amravati district of Maharashtra. The highest prevalence of Trichuris species were recorded in the winter i.e. 63.39%, whereas the prevalence was lowest in the summer season i.e.32.75%. The median range of prevalence was noted in the monsoon i.e. 44.69%. In the above study it was observed that the prevalence of Trichuris species was recorded highest in the winter season and lowest in the summer season. Age and sex wise Trichuris species infection examined, female host were more prevalence 43.75% then Male host 29.16% likewise, age-wise, there were no more differences; they were near about similar, i.e., in kids (41.66%), young (41.96%), and in Adults (41.69%) because of lack of cleanliness, poor management practices and less awareness about deworming.
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