Preliminary studies on Ichthyiofaunal diversity of river Bagh in District Gondia, Maharashtra, India
Cypriniformes, fish fauna, Bagh River, GondiaAbstract
The importance of lotic ecosystems as an environmental resource that can be used for the benefit of mankind cannot be overemphasized. It is used for fisheries, domestic and industrial water supply, recreation, transportation, irrigation, communication, tourism as well as for receiving waste water effluents. Their value derives, to some degree, from their biological diversity including genetic, species and community diversity.
The present study deals with the ichthyofaunal diversity of river Bagh near Gondia, which is the main tributary of the river Waingangā. The result of present investigation reveals the occurrence of 62 fish species belonging to 08 orders, 16 families and 34 genera among which order Cypriniformes was dominant with 31 species, followed by Order Siluriformes with 12 species, Order Ophiocephaliformes with 06species and Synbranchiformes each with 05 species.
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