The Neuroscience of Music: How Music Can Influence Brain Health And Functioning


  • Sanvi Gupta Dougherty Valley High School


neuroscience, audition, musical processing, musical interventions, neuroplasticity



(this has been added to the article text document as well)


Music is a form of entertainment that has been instrumental in human culture. This literature review aims to highlight the additional aspects music impacts in modern-day life from its biological effects on brain health and functioning. Many studies cite music’s wide range of effects to promote mental well-being for various ailments and induce neuroplasticity in individuals who are musically trained. These discoveries have brought about the fields of music medicine and music therapy for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and depression. These interventions can additionally work with neurodivergent populations to improve abilities, such as verbal communication for individuals with autism. Medical imaging studies have revealed neuroplastic changes in musically trained individuals, providing them with enhanced auditory and speech processing. Future studies are encouraged to examine the greater relationship between music and human productivity and vitalize the integration of music into various societal sectors to bring positive change to them. Music is truly an asset to human functioning, one that is yet to be fully explored and used for its full value.

Keywords: neuroscience, audition, musical processing, musical interventions, neuroplasticity


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Author Biography

Sanvi Gupta, Dougherty Valley High School

Sanvi Gupta is an accomplished high school researcher, interested in the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience. She is a bibliometric research intern at the non-profit ThinkNeuro, a student in the  Stanford Neuroscience Journal Club, and she recently conducted a survey-based experiment on sleep deprivation among students at her high school for which she gave a TEDx talk at her school and won a Reserach Award from her city's rotary club. She is currently exploring the intersectionality of neuroscience and music for medical applications, as she has been a dedicated pianist for the last 10 years and has committed herself to pursuing a career in neurological medicine. 


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How to Cite

Gupta, S. (2024). The Neuroscience of Music: How Music Can Influence Brain Health And Functioning. International Journal of Life Sciences, 12(3), 257–268. Retrieved from