Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Chronic Neuropsychiatric Outcomes and Modern Therapeutic Interventions


  • Gary Jin The Harker School
  • Omar Tawakol Illinois Institute of Technology


traumatic brain injury, pediatric, neuroscience


Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the primary cause of disability and mortality among children and adolescents. This review examines the pathophysiology of pediatric TBI and assesses current diagnostic techniques, treatment strategies, and rehabilitation measures. By focusing on primary and secondary injuries, the paper elucidates the processes induced by TBI that must be targeted for effective treatment and rehabilitation. The review is structured around three key aspects of comprehensive TBI management. First, it compares the different medical imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of TBI.  Second, it evaluates surgical treatments, specifically decompressive craniotomy and decompressive craniectomy, and pharmacological treatments, including sedatives and analgesics, detailing their advantages and risks. Third, it addresses potential psychiatric consequences of TBI, such as ADHD and depression, and explores the role of neuroplasticity in recovery, discussing therapeutic options that leverage this aspect of the developing brain. Due to the current challenges in managing long-term neurological deficits, this review emphasizes a holistic approach to pediatric TBI treatment. It proposes the implementation of personalized recovery plans, advanced MRI techniques, and neuroplasticity-driven rehabilitation strategies to enhance developmental trajectories and long-term outcomes.


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How to Cite

Jin, G., & Tawakol, O. (2024). Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Chronic Neuropsychiatric Outcomes and Modern Therapeutic Interventions. International Journal of Life Sciences, 12(3), 241–255. Retrieved from