A Comparative toxicity study on the morphological and behavioural response of detergents on a freshwater fish, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus)
Morphological, Behavioural response, detergent, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus)Abstract
The pollutant can disrupt the biological balance or cause deleterious effects on the aquatic ecosystem. In this study, fishes were exposed to lethal and sublethal concentrations of two types of detergent Det-I and Det-II to observe morphological and behavioural response. For the experiment, the average length of fish was 15 to 20 cm and the average weight was 90 to 100 gm. Fishes are exposed for 96 hours for those 8 plastic tubs used for exposure, 3 tubs of sublethal concentration of Det-I and other 3 tubs of Det-II, and 2 tubs for control. Each tub was stocked with 6 fish and three replicates were conducted. Fishes show morpholo-gical and behavioural responses such as swimming, jumping, walking on the floor, Discoloration and lesions on the skin, Mucus secretion, Deposing of detergent on the body, Bleeding, Barbell damage, etc.
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