Summer Pollen Sources for Apis dorsata in the Forest Area of Bhadrawati Tahsil, Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, India
Pollen Sources, Honeybee, Bhadrawati Tahsil, forest areaAbstract
78 pollen loads recovered directly from the honeycombs of Apis dorsata (Rock Bee) collected in 29 March 2012 to 31 may 2013 from Moudholi and Chandankheda forest area of bhadrawati Tahsil of Chandrapur District of Maharashtra State, were analysed. 32 (41.02%) pollen loads were found to be Uniforal, 31 (39.74%) bifloral and 15 (19.23%) multifloral. The Unifloral pollen loads were contained Terminalia sp. and Mangifera indica. The pollen of Terminalia sp. was recovered from 71 (91.02%) of the total pollen loads studied. The study highlights Terminalia sp. (combretrceace) do the major pollen source and Mangifera indica (Anacardeaceae), Delonix regia (Caesalpiniaceae), Prosopis juliflora (Mimosaceae) as fairly important sources of pollen of the honeybees during the summer period.
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