How can dance be used as a therapeutic tool in treating aging diseases?
Dance Movement Therapy, Aging Disease, Exercise Intervention, KinesiologyAbstract
Dance involves a combination of physical activity and sensorimotor engagement and has proved to have a longstanding impact on adult neuroplasticity and mobility. In the elderly population, dance therapy can complement traditional pharmacological treatments for neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental aging diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Dance movement therapy (DMT) is closely integrated with non-specific outcomes on movement quality, interpersonal skills, cognitive capabilities, and motor outputs. This review discusses dance’s effects on aerobic capacity, physical mobility, and brain function in the elderly population. It also analyzes factors such as dance style, intensity, and duration to maximize therapeutic benefit. As a growing therapeutic tool, dance plays a pivotal role in improving quality of life and preventing disease.
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